Who We Are
The NCFWB Youth Ministries Board is a standing board of the North Carolina Association of Free Will Baptists. The board consists of five members from across the state who are voted into their positions at the Annual NCFWB State Meeting.

We exist primarily to encourage the youth of the North Carolina State Association of Free Will Baptists in the areas of training, education, fellowship, and evangelism. Through major events like State CTS Competition, One Day Mission Trips, and Church Leadership events, we seek to educate and encourage churches and individual believers. We also seek to connect youth ministers with resources and other ministries to help them in their goal to reach the next generation for Christ.
Better Together
It is the firm conviction of the members of the NCFWB Youth Ministries Board that we truly are better together. When Free Will Baptist churches gather together for events such as CTS Competition, One Day Mission Trips, Youth Conferences, and Camps, their youth not only get to learn and serve... they get to connect with other Free Will Baptist students. What begin as small connections often grow into deep, lifelong relationships.